17 Gigapixel Camera Shot

  • Youtube::Click here to Watch

    Anonymous said...

    i have this camera

    Anonymous said...

    I think you just have this video..

    IndianAcer said...

    hard to believe its true. this might have been made by photo stiching also.

    Anonymous said...

    definitely made off photo stitching. We have seen a lot in google maps and google earth. But very good try. It needs lot of patience and time.

    Anonymous said...

    I am not expert in photography, so I can't judge whether this photo is real or not. But I recently started learning photography....I am really wondering how such shot is possible....The photo has the depth and at the same time it has width... which is some what contrast.

    I really want to know what lens he used....may be very high telephoto lens....

    Anonymous said...

    Ok Guys did some research...looks like this original photo...I went to the original site "http://www.yosemite-17-gigapixels.com/". Even I have Nikon D90 with 70-300MM lens but I guess this was possible because of "Stitching and Renderring ", "Teleconvertor" lens and the "Raw" photo format which is the best format to shoot if we don't want to loose any details...

    But nice cool shot....

    Anonymous said...

    its called gigapan, search youtube

    Anonymous said...

    just imagine the possibilities of a sniper shot with this lens...it will be a bulls eye right on target...well..the wind speed and direction of wind should also be considered...but then if u aim between the eye brows..u might end up hitting the heart..a cool gadget on my Heckler & Koch:).

    Anonymous said...

    can anyone guess the size of this photo???
    its 12 gb..

    Anonymous said...


    Anonymous said...

    Love such discussions...
    rather than usual filthy language discs...in this site.

    thanks for sharing the info guys.

    Anonymous said...

    I would like to buy this type of camera, cost no matter. Please give me official shop to buy.

    Anonymous said...

    offical shop address

    street number 786
    red lake
    near blue mountian volcano
    post code 666

    cost 1 million dollards

    go there u will get it