Outsourced -- Season 1

  • Pilot
  • Measure of a Manmeet
  • Party of Five
  • Jolly Vindaloo Day
  • Touched by an Anglo
  • Bolloween
  • Truly, Madly, Pradeeply
  • Home for the Diwalidays
  • Temporary Monsanity
  • Homesick to My Stomach

    Anonymous said...

    i luv dis serial....very gud

    Anonymous said...

    Love, Love, Love this Comedy Show!!

    Anonymous said...

    i hate non engg candidates who just do some odd courses and get job in IT,these are the people who think they are next bill gates...and tell to others that they are software engineers ..

    pls share your comments

    Anonymous said...

    @4:01 .. what does it have to do with this Outsourced series? Or the Call center ppl in anyway?

    Anonymous said...

    I am one of those non-engg candidates who did strike some gold in the IT sector. I think urs is a story of sour grapes:). I know many engg students working in non-technical or less-technical positions like BAs and QAs.

    Anonymous said...

    luv this serial....:):):)

    Anonymous said...

    love this serial plz keep posting...

    Anonymous said...

    how can u "love" this crap?...it's so racist...F*** them..

    Anonymous said...

    9:10 have you even seen these episodes. I dont think they are racist. They do play on stereotypes. But they make fun of Indian and american eccentricities equally. You hv got to learn to laugh at yourself.

    Anonymous said...

    This is complete bullshit.
    Go and suck yourself c**k$uckers.
    Bigoted and made by some dumb di*kh*ads.

    Anonymous said...

    Dude, this show is awesome.
    Really Great.
    Never laughed so much in recent times.
    Go On.. NBC.

    Anonymous said...

    me too---especially when they were hitting that rajiv guy over a cockroach. OMG I was rolling on the floor. I see a lot of comedy and I am not that easy to get tickled but I was laughing so harddd over this. I love it. For people who dont like it, dont be so uptight and stuck up. I am sure u guys make fun of the americans but when they make fun of u ---u cannot tolerate. Hypocrits.

    Anonymous said...

    hi admin can u plz post yeserdays session.thank u.

    Anonymous said...

    @12:06 enti ra free ka chudhamane
    watch on TV get cable connection man,stingy guy

    Anonymous said...

    12:06 PM goto hulu.com to catch latest episode..
    3:27 PM what is wrong in expecting free stuff..if you are paying to view for everything..I do not think you visit this site..

    Anonymous said...

    Well said 6:54PM, this show is on NBC and you can watch all the past episodes on funcast.com

    Anonymous said...

    10 on 10

    Anonymous said...

    It is fancast.com not funcast.com pls correct it.