Real Hero Sunitha Krishnan's Movie of Awareness on Sex Trafficking


Anonymous said...

real hero of the century.

Anonymous said...

all our mega/power/super etc stars need to touch her feet.

Anonymous said...

this is real is service free from glitter of cameras,and media is service with an instinct.dirty politicians even if they do very little,get media coverage as if they have made something enormous.
politics with total selfish motto is the root cause of all social evils.

Anonymous said...

2.03, true.. absolutely true.

Unknown said...

agree with @ 2.03

Anonymous said...

I absolutely admire ur guts sunitha and like ur speeches. I was sexually abused as a child but still too scared to say anything due to family factors. Wht a gem person is ur husband to stay by u and help with everything. Sunitha god bless u and please dont stop.

Anonymous said...

IS there a way we can support her financially.What she is doing needs real guts,because most of the powerful persons are involved in sex trafficking

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can visit

there is more details. i googled and found her blog.

Anonymous said...

@3:04 , 8:24 ....

I appreciate you guys too .